Saturday, January 13, 2007

Growing Grass

With a house, comes a garden.
All the lifestyle programs of landscaped gardens with retaining walls, water fountains, Bali-themed garden...
That's what we don't have.

What we inherited was an overgrown, unmaintained garden.
Put it this way - just imagine a scene from Jurassic Park - and you get the picture of the dinosaur-sized plants surrounding the house.

Bit by bit - we chipped away - first ripping the house clinging Ivy.. and notorious weed-like trees, chain-saw some 2m high philedendrons. And most recently Mother-In-Law turned up and the amazing gardener in her unearthed plants, uprooted plants, de-weeded the place and we have a pile about 3 cubic metres waiting to be removed.

All the clutter and crap are gone.. and being the people who are just starting out with a garden and unsure how we are going to landscape the place;
Ben and I decided - we are going to start off by growing grass.

Don't Laugh... Grass is one of the hardest thing to grow.. especially to keep the one variety and make sure no weeds take over. Weeds can be so territorial.
In the garden, we have a variety of Kikuyu, Baby-Couch and Buffalo.
Right now, I'm leaning towards keeping the Baby-Couch -
I don't think its the real name "Baby Couch", but it is a smaller version of the Couch. And the grass doesn't seem to grow as quick, it keeps short.
Low maintenance - gotta have that.

Won't be long before I stop envying lawns of luscious green, just like Dick & Jane:)


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