Thursday, October 26, 2006

eBay eXperience - Demand and Supply at Play

After more than 10 years after my first Economics Lesson, I finally see before my eyes how the theory of Laissez Faire works (demand and supply at play) on a product of mine.
The medium = eBay.

Having never sold anything in an auction before; the eBay experience has to be one of life's lessons I would consider as education.

Item for sale: Large Size Bedroom wardrobe with 3 sections, 2 sections sliding, middle has a vanity mirror + light and chest of drawers below.

This item came with the house and instead of disposing the wardrobe, we decided maybe someone may want it and left it on eBay.
Not knowing what the price should be we let the markets at play. Starting at 80 dollars.

So for a week my temporary obsession was:
* How many people looked at the post
* How many people tagged it to view it
* How many people asked questions
* How many bids came through
* The extent of how people bidded

Ok you got me, I am an acCOUNTant after all, and I love to count. Muah-ha-ha.

The more activity, the more I got interested as the story unfolds; while Ben was not fussed with these regular updates.

For three days, we had questions + visits went up to 200 + 8 people tagged it.
Our first bid came after 3 days. Then came another. And another at spaced intervals.
It was really fascinating to watch the psyche of bidders.

Then the 24 hours before time's up, there was nothing.
The calm before the storm.

1 min before the auction ended, every refresh of the page, a different bid appeared. And then we have a winner.
Ben & I are winners too, we ended up with 60% over start price; > 400 visits; 11 separate bids; 10 tags - and watching market forces at play. Priceless :)
Final Score: Supply = 1; Demand = 7+



At Saturday, October 28, 2006 11:55:00 am, Blogger Rachel said...

so what was the final sale price ? ;)


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