Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Piece of the Earth

It is exactly 3 months today, we unintentionally bought and claimed a piece of the earth as our own. Life is so transient, but yet this old school of thought of having your own home is still popular.

Renting v Home Ownership - is a debate of Logic v Control.

LOGIC - lifestyle is more transient, world's smaller, constant job movement. Renting reduces the hassles of purchasing (if you can value your hourly rate * hours spent to look for a home, what would that be?), paying tax to the govt, emotional attachments.

CONTROL - wanting to mould and transform and yours to keep. There are so many things in the world we cannot control, but having your own home to do what you wish, I would say is one of life's indulgences.

For myself, I like the concept of knowing I have a permanent home. I live on both logic & control - as you can see for this issue, control has tipped the scales.
A home is my pride & joy that I can spend time beautifying it (knowing the money, time and effort spent, is ultimately to increase its aestheticity of something I own).

Being rooted to a place permanently and have/know your community surrounding you is something I yearn for unknowingly - or it could be just that I am just another animal on earth that needs a habitat. If not - I can only attribute to growing up on the move. For me, this would be move #15 - including the moves between countries.

While some find this everchanging scene envious, and thrive on constant changes; then there is me - like a cat, am contented with a place + have a piece of the earth that I can truly call home.


At Sunday, October 22, 2006 3:57:00 pm, Blogger Rachel said...

Heh it feels like it has been more than #15 ... did you count moving to the nederlands ??
Well for better or for worse, you are now committed to this den of yours ;)

At Tuesday, October 24, 2006 6:40:00 pm, Blogger Julia said...

Sure feels like it! M'sia - S'pore - Brizzy - S'pore- Sydney - Netherlands - Sydney; thats already 7 without counting moves within each country!


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