Sunday, November 19, 2006

New Age Food

Sitting in reflection of the food selection in cafes, grocery shops - plentiful is the word.

Looking at the array from Organics to Gluten-free, to contains no nuts, and contain no dairy products makes you really wonder about our new age food - and allergies bodies have to certain foods.

With that - the question could be asked - Is our bodies really able to handle technologically enhanced products?
Food preparation these days have come a long way from slaving in the kitchen to instant sauces, instant ingredients take away foods.
But do you ever stop once to think exactly are in the foods?

There has been 2 issues that really question foods and my personal preference of home preparation compared to outside / pre-prepared meals.
A Conference in Canberra back in May on Health & Welfare Statistics - Point a: An increasing number of diabetes (Type 2) on the rise and forecast an ever increasing number in the future
Point b: Studies have shown diabetes is in direct correlation to either people moving from the rural areas to urban areas or from a city area to a mega city area.

There has not been any conclusive reason for Type 2 Diabetes, but the implication is the diet of urban living has encouraged the staggering number of Type 2 Diabetics.

Whilst you may think it is a conspiracy theory, I believe there is a direct correlation between New Age Food (Quick & Easy sauces, packet spices, etc) and Diabetes.

I love short cuts and things that make life easier - New Age Food - I can't bring myself to use the quick & easy ingredients. The knowledge that preservatives are present in them just make it a turn off. Making food from scratch is what I do best.

This keeps me happy for now, until theories start me on Organic Food. Somehow - that wouldn't be me.
Just looking at Organic Water has made me question the sanity of Organics - Heck - wouldn't Organic Water be just water flushed from the toilet or water dripping off the gutter?


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