Thursday, November 16, 2006


Stepping into the world of Sales & Marketing from Finance is really passing through the veil of no return :)

Changing work industry is one thing, but moving from one department to another is another! Life has been amazing - there is absolutely life outside the comforts of numbers - reconciling, analyzing, variance analysis, and serious filing of spent $$ (journal transfers).

Some may say Sales & Marketing is fluffy - I can no longer say it is
- It is a Craft.
Changing perception, branding, how to position yourself as better than another and most importantly transferring a dollar from your pocket to mine :)
What would it be if it isn't craft?

Leading back to my thoughts of Gluttony can be justified with my week long conference with the different Sales & Marketing groups I work with. This is a week long of Strategy Planning and Marketing for 2007.
A lot of serious stuff, but also a lot of gluttony.
In the comforts of hotel conference rooms of Stamford, Radisson come with the scrumptous catering of morning tea, buffett lunch, arvo tea - and outdoor dining by the waters. The name dropping relates back to the level of quality food.

It is hard to resist good food - I mean - the food is specially made to be consumed and how often do I get food cooked for me? :)
Needless to say, this week has been wining and dining in excess. But to call these meetings as frivilous, I beg to differ - the week of strategy, planning, marketing, business analysis, business reviews even during the social dinners are more effective than it appears.

I have one more day to go this week, and I am totally buggered - very fulfiling week. The gluttony lifestyle in Sales & Marketing is life altering and proven the comforts of numbers can be the thing of the past for me.


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