Monday, October 30, 2006

Bringing Hospital to the Home

When I decided to move from the IT industry and venture to the Medical/Healthcare Industry, I would have never expected self-transformation. Every day with every experience, it has been more inviting, drawing me into the abyss of the world of Healthcare, Medicine and Science.

Today's lesson was learned at my company sponsored Conference at the Hilton - the theme of the day was held with a lot of passion from the attendees - Bringing the Hospital to the Home. The truth of the matter is, with Science and Technology entering into our homes on a daily basis - impressive plasma TVs with set top boxes, top of the range coffee makers- it is no different to new products and services patients can access to self medicate in the comforts of their own home.

Having self medicated at home with pills & herbs for centuries - the concept is not new. What this step draws further is a range of hospital services that can be set up at home.
eg. intraveneously treated with antibiotics at home, recovering patients on monitored drugs coupled with Nurse and Doctor visits - but admitted and discharged by the hosptial.

If there is a clearer WIN-WIN situation, this would have to be it.
Studies have proven less errors made with self-medication, home environment speeds up recovery time; and to top it off - the luxury to sleep in your own bed and to have access to your own daily throne.

While for the hospitals - customer care is identified with patients recovering faster, hospital beds are efficiently used for the less abled and of course - the co$t $avings to the hospital, so $ can be used on more innovative programs.

These are exciting times ahead - it's Me! Me! Me! First!
..Healthcare programs designed - looking from the patient's journey perspective - just like a corporate company - Customer focused, always Customer First.

This Hospital In The Home (HITH) concept is gaining speed with some Area Health Services already in the forefront -
Absolutely watch this space, as the stakeholder heavyweights (Govt, Healthfunds, Hospitals) re-design the system and create the support structure (GPs, Pharmacists, Nurses etc) to put the patient first.
The fact of the matter is, this blog is only skimming the very surface of the issue and concept - as I'm still learning, naive, intrigued - but the cogs of the wheel for this is in motion developing a structure changing the face of the Hospital.

Whilst there is always a lobby for more beds in hospitals -
one really needs ask the intent..
More infrastructure or Effective system?
with this concept in its way - more beds in hospitals may be a request in the past..

No doubt will the Hippocratic Oath entrenched in Doctors and Nurses where the intent is improving the Health of Patient will lead the way..
~~ keep the good of the patient as the highest priority... ~~



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