Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Flesh is Weak

I have come admit to my case of the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.

The festive season has been filled with family and friends gathering, with all the work we put into the house - we hardly get to catch up with friends and family.
Since the Friday evening of 22nd Dec hit - Ben & I have been with a family and/or friend occassion once to twice a day , everyday or every other day and will be till NYE.

Middle of this festive catch ups - there you have it - body breaks down - it says .... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
you cant cope anymore and I am putting brakes on and forcing you to be sick. Its one of the most inconvinient thing the body does to you.
And what bugs me most, I'm a hit the bed & asleep - but this doesnt happen when I'm sick & body in most need of rest.
Ai ya ya.

I will continue with me feeling sorry for me.....while still partying away :)


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