Monday, December 18, 2006

Life in the new house - 1

Ben & I have officially moved into our home for a few weeks now...
I have never felt like I worked so much around the house to make it into a home.
There is always something to do, setting up, finding homes for things around the house, its an enormous task.
Amongst that - Ben & I have found ourselves a pet to call our own :D
A neighbour's cat who comes around 80% of the time we are there.
He's also here when we drive into our driveway.. lazing or sitting pretty on our porch; or happily trotting across the road when we get out of our car to greet us and stay.
Appears to be a 2 way relationship - We enjoy his company and him ours.

Have we put up Christmas Tree at our place?
Ahem... how about a compromise, we put up christmas lights in a shape of a tree. :)
Ben doesn't think much of it and probably cringes everytime he sees it or when its brought up - he can be such a perfectionist.

While we enjoy this Christmas time of the year... we'll have next year to look forward again to renovate the rest of the place... Never Ending story.. like they say, a house is a life long project :)


At Monday, December 18, 2006 11:06:00 pm, Blogger Synconi said...

What's wrong with not putting up a Christmas tree? We haven't either!!! And we haven't even put up lights or anything. But we're lazy so...

Synconi xx


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