Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Flesh is Weak

I have come admit to my case of the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.

The festive season has been filled with family and friends gathering, with all the work we put into the house - we hardly get to catch up with friends and family.
Since the Friday evening of 22nd Dec hit - Ben & I have been with a family and/or friend occassion once to twice a day , everyday or every other day and will be till NYE.

Middle of this festive catch ups - there you have it - body breaks down - it says .... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
you cant cope anymore and I am putting brakes on and forcing you to be sick. Its one of the most inconvinient thing the body does to you.
And what bugs me most, I'm a hit the bed & asleep - but this doesnt happen when I'm sick & body in most need of rest.
Ai ya ya.

I will continue with me feeling sorry for me.....while still partying away :)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Life in the new house - 1

Ben & I have officially moved into our home for a few weeks now...
I have never felt like I worked so much around the house to make it into a home.
There is always something to do, setting up, finding homes for things around the house, its an enormous task.
Amongst that - Ben & I have found ourselves a pet to call our own :D
A neighbour's cat who comes around 80% of the time we are there.
He's also here when we drive into our driveway.. lazing or sitting pretty on our porch; or happily trotting across the road when we get out of our car to greet us and stay.
Appears to be a 2 way relationship - We enjoy his company and him ours.

Have we put up Christmas Tree at our place?
Ahem... how about a compromise, we put up christmas lights in a shape of a tree. :)
Ben doesn't think much of it and probably cringes everytime he sees it or when its brought up - he can be such a perfectionist.

While we enjoy this Christmas time of the year... we'll have next year to look forward again to renovate the rest of the place... Never Ending story.. like they say, a house is a life long project :)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

That 70s Christmas Party

That 70s Christmas Party at Arena Stadium..
It has been many years since I had been to a dress up company party. It was a 70s Christmas Party too.

Where does the line cross between a Hippy Convention and a 70s party? It looked more like Hippy convention :)
Bob Marley hair do, lots of peace signs, blings and hanky in the hair. Our Managing Director turned up as the queen because the Queen came to Sydney for the opening of Opera House.

For me - I wanted to come in my toddler clothes.. That was what I wore in the 70s, but going topless would have been career limiting.
I also wanted to wear a hanky in the hair, put it on and asked Ben's opinion - he said - dont you think you look like a cancer patient who had chemo?
Ok threw that out, just went with a conservative flare pants and frilly top.

Setting the scene, the room was colours were psycadelic, about 40 round tables, alcohol flowing, before long the queue for a sumptous meal (not of the 70s - thank goodness - would've been mouldy by now :)) but of the modern Australian buffett - Mediterranean Antipasto, Honey Soy Chicken, Rice, Salads Galore, Prawns, Octopus..
Good Quality food - in good company, followed by wicked desserts -chocolate truffles, brownies, fruit flan tartlets etc.
And not before long, music starting kicking away.. those 70s music and mixed in with communal dances kicking off with the all time favourite Nut Bush.

Its great to have a company wide party - meet new faces, catch up and say hi to people you hardly see during the year.
And me - 2 glasses of white and I started to speak like a different person and was in the company of girls dancing the night away.
That's that 70s Party.